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Building guide

Useful FAWE commands and block information


Useful world edit commands

Give WE to a tool: //wand
Position 1:Left click or //pos1
Position 1:Left click or //pos2
Copy: //copy
Paste: //paste
Set block: //set BLOCK-ID,BLOCK-ID...
Replace: //replace BLOCK-ID BLOCK-ID
Mirror: //flip + Himmelsrichtung (n,e,w,s)
Rotate: //rotate 90 (180,270...)
Copy without air: -a (a the end)
Replicate: //repl NUMMER
In line: //line BLOCKNAME Number (good for diagonals)

Place above: /mask >BLOCK-ID

Useful Block-IDs

Fachwerk: dark_prismarine_slab[waterlogged=false,type=double]
Fachwerk Ziegel: brick_slab[type=double,waterlogged=false]
Fachwerk Ziegel hell: purpur_slab[type=double,waterlogged=false]









Useful FAWE commands

Bind world edit to a tool: //wand
Position 1:Left click or //pos1
Position 1:Left click or //pos2
Copy: //copy
Paste: //paste
Set block: //set BLOCK-ID,BLOCK-ID...
Replace: //replace BLOCK-ID BLOCK-ID
Mirror: //flip + Himmelsrichtung (n,e,w,s)
Rotate: //rotate 90 (180,270...)
Copy without air: -a (a the end)
Replicate: //repl NUMMER
Set in line: //line BLOCKNAME Number (good for diagonals)

Above a block: /mask >BLOCK-ID

below a block: /mask <BLOCK-ID

Useful Block-IDs

Fachwerk: dark_prismarine_slab[waterlogged=false,type=double]
Fachwerk Ziegel: brick_slab[type=double,waterlogged=false]
Fachwerk Ziegel hell: purpur_slab[type=double,waterlogged=false]

Doppelbruchsteinstufe: minecraft:cobblestone_slab[type=double,waterlogged=false] oder 43:3

Holzstufen ersetzen: //replace minecraft:spruce_slab minecraft:petrified_oak_slab
Doppelte Eichenholzstufe für Musterblöcke: oak_slab[type=double,waterlogged=false]



Dreckiger Stadtboden: //br sphere 45%43:3,5%13,20%3,30%3:1 5

Burgboden mit Granitstein: 4,polished_granite,minecraft:cobblestone_slab[type=double,waterlogged=false]

Karburg weißes EG: //replace 35 minecraft:polished_diorite,4,98,minecraft:light_gray_terracotta
Karburg weißeres EG-Oben: //replace 35 minecraft:polished_diorite,4,98,minecraft:white_terracotta
Karburg granitiges EG: //replace 35 minecraft:polished_granite
Karburg standart Stein EG: //replace 35 1,4,98,98:2
Karburg Ziegelstein EG: //replace 35 minecraft:bricks,minecraft:brown_concrete
Karburg weißes Beton EG: //replace 35 1,4,98,minecraft:white_concrete
Karburg dunkles+weißes Fundament: 159:8,251,1:2,1:5

Flussmauer dunkel: 1,98:2,black_concrete,black_concrete,mossy_cobblestone,48
Mauer hell: light_gray_terracotta,1
Mauer noch heller: minecraft:white_terracotta,minecraft:light_gray_terracotta



Biomspecific textures (only in Conquest):

Weizen: 59:7 (Mountain_edge: dunkler)
Karotten: 141:7 (Mountain_edge: Spinat)
Sternlauch: 38:2 (Mountain_edge: lila)
Kartoffeln: 142:7  (Mountain_edge: Roggen)
Rote Beete: minecraft:beetroots[age=3] (Mountain_edge: Salat)
Toter Busch: 31 (Mountain_edge: Hafer)
Löwenzahn: 37 (Mountain_edge: Bohnenpflanze)
Mohn: 38 (Mountain_edge: Braun)
Weiße Blume: 38:3 (Mountain_edge: Scharfgabe)
Rote Tulpe: 38:4 (Mountain_edge: Vergissmeinich)
Orange Tulpe: 38:5 (Mountain_edge: Oranges Kraut)
Weiße Tulpe: 38:6 (Mountain_edge: Knospen)
Rosa Tulpe: 38:7 (Mountain_edge: ebenfalls Knospen)


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